sábado, 31 de maio de 2008


I could consider myself bisexual.

That's a phrase that came up to my mind today. Although I've never been sexually or emotionaly involved with a man, I think that's completely natural. It may sound a little strange and people will always argue that it's not right and so, but I think it is. I actually think it's the common behavior for human beings. Having stated that an emotional relationship is based upon love and care, I can't think of a reason that could forbid it to happen.

If love is something that depends on having things in common, caring about the other person's well-being, feeling good to be with her, etc. why couldn't two people from the same sex feel it for each other? Linking that with my other idea, already mentioned in a past post, that we can, and actually do, love more than one person at the same time, we would achieve that wide possibility of loving anyone from any sex.

Taking a view a little different, don't people tend to have friendships with people from the same sex, seen the fact that they frequently have many things in common? Don't people have friendships that last for a lifetime? Why coudn't it happen for a serious relationship other than friendship?

I guess the most problematic point is the sex, though. People tend to bond it to the emotional relantionships, but are they really intrinsic things? I mean, for me it seems like sex is one thing, that's good, makes us feel good, helps us create new lives, etc. and a love relantioship is another thing, that can be put together with sex, but, not necessarily, has to.

I too don't have anything against the sex between two people from the same sex, but it's not the point here. Apart from that, people may have sex with whoever they feel like having.

So, based on the ideas I claim to believe in, I can't consider myself anything but bisexual. I can, and don't deny it, like, love, or anything else, people from both sexes.
Guess that's just another point to be different from you, don't you think? ;)

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

meu deus do céu. eu to pasma.

eu comecei a ler esse texto e me senti como se eu mesma tivesse escrito. nunca achei alguém que tivesse uma visão tão parecida com a minha nesse assunto.

(tipo de comentário irrelevante mas inevitável)